Sunday, October 25, 2009

Layne finally has a loose tooth! He has been waiting forever to loose a tooth, so it is a happy day!!

We had a great weekend. Had our annual bonfire on Saturday night. It was raining and yucky so Tim cleaned the garage and we had everyone over anyway. By the time people started to come it was only sprinkling so we lit a fire anyway and the kids were able to roast marshmallows.

Scott and Debbie took the kids for the afternoon today so Tim and I went to K-mart to do a little Christmas shopping. Then we decide to use the gift card I got for TGIFidays for dinner. It was nice to spend more than an hour in the same place with my husband!!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Took Layne to the doctor tonight. He has strep throat and a double ear infection. He rapidly got worse after school today. When we left for the doctor he had a temp of 101. They asked Layne to wear a mask when we got there and he didn't like it. He said he it was to hot under the mask and he started to to hyperventilate. By the time we got back to the doctors office he was in full on panic mode. It took the nurse a while to calm he down. The nurse was great with him (he was a male nurse and had a 7 year old son). Anyway Layne is feeling pretty bad for himself, so now I will go and baby him.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

It was a yucky rainy day here today, so the twins and I spent the morning cuddling and reading books. I had to peel myself off the couch to go to class. Next semester I have to try and not have an afternoon class, it is so tempting to not go!

Layne is not feeling well tonight. He is running a low grade fever (99.5), but it has me freaked out. We spent 30 minutes of my accounting class today talking about H1N1, all the deaths and the hospitalizations. So I will be praying for good health in our home tonight.

Monday, October 19, 2009

We hit another mile stone today. My MOPS group planned an outing today to the Mandan Community Center to go swimming. I knew Tim couldn't come but my friends assured me that they would help me. While, when we showed up at the center one only other friend showed up. So I decide to try and take the kids in the water myself. I was a bit nervous but it all worked out great. Logan did really well swimming with just a life jacket, and Brenden had made great progress by the time we left. It was fun and it is good to know that I can take them by myself now!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Katie, CJ, JD and Abbie came up this weekend. Katie took Layne and JD to the movie "Where the Wild Things Are" on Saturday afternoon while I was in Lisbon. Layne got a little scared, but overall he liked it. This afternoon we went to the pumpkin patch. It was really nice out today so Tim and CJ stayed home to clean out the gutters and mow the front yard. We had only planned to stay at the pumpkin patch for about and hour, but Brenden had a different idea. He got lost for about 45 minutes. I was sitting off to the side with Abbie while mom and Katie were up on the bale mazes with the kids. I hadn't seen Brenden in a while so I asked mom where he was. She didn't know. Mind you it is beautiful out and everyone and their brother is at the pumpkin patch. So we start looking around and I started to panic when he wasn't on the bales and wasn't inside the maze. So we start look around on some of the other stacks of bales and he isn't there either. By now 20 minutes had gone by, so I decide to go and find someone who works there to help. They ask me what he is wear and what he looks like and I try to tell them, but i can't because I am crying. Once I finally get it out they announce it over the loud speaker. Then I thought I should probably tell her that he is a twin and that Logan is wear the exact same thing. So we keep looking at this point I had run into a few people I knew and they were looking too. I had made a loop around where we were and I decide to go back and check with the ladies working there. I had just turned a corner and I see a beautiful little boy just standing there and a lady that had stop to look at him. She tried to grab his and and take him to the office, but he said no and ran away, and I scooped him up. He wasn't even phased! I asked him where he had been and he said "playing". He had walked all the way across the pumpkin patch to go play in the pumpkin house. We left the pumpkin patch right after we found him and I was telling my sister that I would have bet money that if Brenden were to get lost that he would sit down and cry and if Logan got lost he wouldn't care. I guess I was wrong about Brenden and I don't EVER want to find about about Logan!!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

I finally got the laundry done, it only took me 3, OK 4, weeks to get it done! I am so thankful I have a patient husband who was willing to joke with me about it and then help put it all away!

Logan woke up this morning at 5:30. Tim tried to bring him to bed with us, put he was wide awake! I on the other hand was not, I had really wanted to sleep until at least 7:00, but all the boys were awake and in my room by 6:30. I might have been more upset if they were all being so cute and playing so nice!

Monday, October 12, 2009

I made some oatmeal banana breakfast cookies tonight to take to daycare and to MOPS. I put the bowl in the sink to fill with water while I went to the bathroom. I then proceeded to sit down and forget about it and the water over flowed the bowl and filled up the sink and ended up with water all over the kitchen floor. It then dripped down to the basement where I had 3 weeks of CLEAN laundry on every surface in the laundry room. Tim wasn't very happy about it. But we got it cleaned up and nothing was damaged.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

We had a really good picture of our family taken at Maria's wedding. This might just end up in our Christmas card!

I had a nice time in Fargo on Saturday. It snowed some on the way and I ended up having to slow way down. The flakes were so big and it was swirling on the road so it made it hard to see. Debbie invited us over for dinner last night, which was great since I was gone all day. Scott was actually able to come home which was nice. Besides the few hours we saw him at my moms wedding we really haven't seen him since the middle of September, so the kids had a really great time with him. We ran a lot of errands today, we tried to find Layne's Halloween costume, but I am not paying $30 for a costume. We found a great one a a second hand store last year so I told Layne we could go back to the same one and look. The twins are going to wear their chicken costumes from last year.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Brenden scratched his face up pretty bad. We were leaving Dee Dee's house and he tripped on the sidewalk. The whole side of his face is all scratched and black and blue and swollen. Poor kid!

We pulled the last of the stuff out of the garden tonight. I have a lot of tomatoes that are really big but did not get ripe. My mom said that I should put them in a brown paper bag or in a box with newspaper over it and they should ripen, so I will give it a try and see what happens.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I skipped accounting today and kept the twins home. Neither one of them sleep really well last night and I think they just needed a day at home, and I guess I did too. I got several loads of laundry done and a few other things that needed to be done around the house.

I have to go to Fargo on Saturday for and LWML Rally I am speaking at. I have to take my moms car because I need new tires on my car and it needs to be balanced. Next weekend I get to go to Lisbon and then I am done with the speaking!!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Well things have been absolutely crazy around here. Between moms wedding, Maria's wedding, my school, Layne's school, Tae Kwon Do, church, birthday parties and life in general. But things are calming down now so I will get back to blogging more often!!

Maria's wedding was so much fun. We got to see some friends that we haven't seen in years, I also got to see some people that I used to work with at Taco Johns, and several friends from high school. Mom and Joe took the kids home at about 9:00.

School is going well for me. I only have 2 weeks left of the economics class that I real y don't like. I will then be down to 3 classes so things will be even better. Layne is doing well in school too, although his spelling word are pretty hard this year (at least I think so) so he is struggling with that a little, but his attitude is so much better!

The twins still have a cold. Brenden was up all night last night crying. He said his ear hurt so i took him to the doctor today and he has a double ear infection.The doctor said it was really red and we defiantly need to come back for a check up to make sure all the fluid is gone. So I scheduled their 3 year well check to coincide with his recheck. Now I am worried about Logan he woke up from his nap with a red ear and when Layne was little that was the first sign of an infection. When will I learn to have both kids checked out while we are already at the doctor's office!!

It is a really yucky day here today. Cloudy and raining and dare I say it there is a chance of snow:( So we are having homemade chicken noodle soup for dinner. Making soup is about the only thing I love about fall/winter weather!

Thursday, October 1, 2009