Debbie sent me this picture today. She picked Layne up after school so he could go watch part of the game with grandpa. Their so cute!!
Well the boys didn't take a nap today. I laid them down at about 11:30 and at 12:30 when I was still hearing the pitter patter of little feet I went up there. They had thrown clothes all over the room, torn down the blind on the window, and rip up books. Well at 1:45 when they were still up I decided that I had to go get them because if they fell asleep they would only get to sleep for an hour. I thought I might lay them down after we got Layne form school but it was 3:30 by the time we got home from school and I didn't want them to sleep past 5:00 so I let them stay up. Tim got home around 6:30 and we put my sleepy little boys to bed right away, but do you think they went to sleep? Oh no Tim went up 3 times and told them to get back in bed, and finally the 3 time he laid down inbetween them and stayed there until they went to sleep.
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