Sunday, December 14, 2008

Oh, to be stuck inside during a blizzard. I was awoke this morning by a phone call from Pastor cancelling church. I then spent the next 45 minutes on the phone with the Sunday School teachers (oh, the joys of being the superintendent) rescheduling the Christmas program practice we were supposed to have. After that I declared it stay in your PJ's day and make the kids cinnamon rolls and eggs. I am very grateful today for digital cable. We spent the morning watching movies on demand. The first one we watched was Alvin and the Chipmunks. The twins just loved it, they laughed and danced. I was surprised that they watched so much of it.

When the twins went down for their nap Layne and I went to the kitchen. We made 3 batches of peppermint bark, a batch of rice flour chocolate peppermint cookies for my mom and sister (I got the recipe from the cookie class!!), and cinnamon glass candy. I still need to make almond bark covered pretzels for my sister.

It has been a silly day around here:
  • Tim tooted so Logan told him he needed to go potty and we all lost it.
  • The boys found some stocking hats and giggled hysterically while putting them on and off.
  • When Logan got up this morning and looked out the window he said "holy cow". I called Debbie and she was able to hear him do it.
  • Made the boys breakfast. After Logan ate all his eggs he brought his plate to me and set it in my lap and said "eggs please". So I had to go make more. Between the 5 of us we ate a dozen and a half eggs. Go thing we were stocked up.

Tomorrow is supposed to be colder yet. High of 15 below and wind chills of 45 below. Not sure if Layne will have school. Tim's not sure if he can work, he needs to cut tile and the only place to do that at this house is outside. I am going to have cabin fever so bad by Wednesday. I will really look forward to the Christmas program at church Wednesday night!!

Going to put the kids to bed now and go out and help Tim shovel the driveway a bit. We really need to get the snow blower fixed. We have way to much driveway to shovel!

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