Well the convention was great! There were no major problems which Debbie and I are extremely thankful for!! The servant events and gifts from the heart went really well. Thanks Jody and De! All the speakers and the bible studies were great. And of course Tangled Blue was awesome! I am now officially part of the North Dakota District Board of Directors. I was installed as Vice President of Servant Resources. Debbie was nominated from the floor and was elected to serve as Recording Secretary. So we will get to serve our 4 year terms together!!
My husband was great all weekend. He really was a lot of help and actually spoiled me on Father's day weekend. He got me a beautiful purple spider mum and a pink fishing rod (he seems to think that I have overcome my fear, we are going to go fishing Wednesday night with our neighbors). I was so tried last night that I didn't even make him a nice meal, we got Italian nachos from Johny Carinos!
They boys seemed to have a good time too. They had fun at daycare on Saturday and Layne still can't stop talking about the Tangled Blue concert!
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