Sunday, August 29, 2010

Layne had a really great first couple of days at school. I even got an email from Layne's teacher:


I wanted to drop you a quick email to let you know that I thought Layne did a great job! He was hard working, kind and focused. He even earned my first Roughrider card by going out of his way to include our new student. Layne noticed that the new student did not have a sharpie and the marker he was using was smearing on his notebooks as he was trying to label them. Layne asked the student if he would like to borrow his sharpie. I will keep you informed throughout the year. Please feel free to email or call with any additional questions or concerns.
Erin Jacobson

I am so proud of him and glad that this school year is off to a good start!

On Thursday we took the twins to meet their teacher and see their classrooms. Brenden was really excited and took to his teacher and classroom well. Logan on the other hand was really shy and kept asking if we could go home. Sending them off on the bus on Wednesday should be ineresting for all of us!

We had a nice weekend with friends. We were invited to dinner at at 2 different friend's houses, so the boys were up super late 2 nights in a row, but it was great to spend some time with good friends!

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