Sorry had a hard time with the pictures. I couldn't get the slide show to work!

My babies had a great first day at preschool! They were so excited to ride the bus! When the bus pulled up the both walked right on like they had done it a thousand times before, never looked back or got a hug and kiss from me! Oh well, I was worried that Logan would cry or be stuborn and not want to go, but they both did so great. Logan's favorite thing about school was brushing his teeth. How funny is that! Brenden's favortie part was playing at the play ground. They certainly were tried when they got home though. I thought that they would both go to bed really early tonight since they had to get up at 6:30. Logan fell asleep right away, but Brenden is still up and it almost 8:00! He is going to be tried tomorrow since they have to get up that early again!
1 comment:
Aww I love it! They look like they're so ready for school! You should sign up to be on the Policy Council at BECEP. I'm the current president. It would be fun to do that together!
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