Monday, July 12, 2010

Tim and Adam won the canoe race!! They were awesome. They kept up with the kayaks and even managed to beat some of them. They beat the next canoe by more than 10 minutes! It was so fun to watch!

Layne had fun performing at the opening ceremonies. He even managed to get his picture in the paper again!

The twins have their first dentist appointment tomorrow. They have to see the dentist and have a physical before preschool starts and since we have 2 weeks before we are gone for 2 weeks I thought I better get to doing some of this stuff! And believe it or not we only have 2 weeks until school starts after we get home, 2 weeks seems to be the magic time here huh?

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Layne is enjoying his afternoon camp at our local science center, even if I did sign him up for the wrong camp! He was supposed to take a Lego camp, but I signed him up for a car building/racing camp. They have made some pretty cool cars and tomorrow he will finish a solar car.

Layne is really excited to perform tomorrow night. If Scott brings his video camera, I think I can upload it to the blog.

Brenden and Logan have missed their brother this week. Every five minutes they are asking if it is time to go get Layne yet. I think we will have to do something fun this weekend to make up for it!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Um, so next time someone thinks it would be fun to go camping in 90 degree weather with like 80% humidity I will politely decline and check myself into the nearest air conditioned hotel!!!!!!!!!!

The boys had a lot of fun this weekend and they were really well behaved. I even managed to get the twins to take a 3 hour nap on Saturday! Layne is just like his dad, he loves fireworks.

I started my 2 other online classes today. I am feeling a bit overwhelmed. I have until tomorrow to decide if I want to drop one class or not.

Layne starts Lego camp tomorrow. I think that should be a lot of fun for him.

I am still super tried form the weekend, so I am off to bed!!