Wednesday, December 31, 2008

It has been a while since I have posted. Before Christmas everyone in the house ended up being sick with the flu except me. Tim had it the worst but it only lasted one day for him, thankfully because he had to put the alternator in my car. The twin's flu turned into a cold and a nasty one at that. They still have the cough and are very cranky.

Our Christmas was wonderful. Tim's grandparents and Mandy and Ryan came on Christmas eve and we had a lovely dinner at Scott and Debbie's house, and the boys enjoyed opening their presents from them. On Christmas day we had a wonderful brunch at our house after we got home from church. After brunch the boys opened their presents from us and loved everything they got.

Matt and Maureen and Katie, CJ, and JD came on Friday. I had such a wonderful time with them. It was great to get to see Maureen and Matt since it had been almost 2 years since we had seen them. De and Lloyd bought Layne hockey skates for Christmas, so on Saturday we all took the 3 little boys (the twins and JD) sledding, while Layne, Maureen and I went skating. Layne was great at it and he can't wait until the fill the rink behind us!

We are going out to dinner tonight at the Walrus with our neighbors from across the street. We invited them to come over after dinner to play wii. Jeff, Kristi and Hunter are going to come over after dinner too. I planned lots of appetizers for us to have too so it should be fun!!

Happy New Year!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Layne stayed home from school today. He didn't wake up until after 8:00, he said he felt ok but his eyes didn't look good. So he spent the day eating yogurt, pudding, and Popsicles and watching cartoons.

I had a few errands to run this morning so Tim stayed home with the kids. On my way to Target I noticed that the battery light was on and the gauge for the battery was going down. So I get there and park the car and turn it off hoping that when I turn it on again everything will be fine. No such luck. So I go in and do my shopping and when I was done I go out and try to start it and it fires right up. So I head over to the bank and head for the drive up lane. I roll down my window, make my deposits, then try and roll my window up as I am pulling out in to the driveway and my car stops right there in the middle of the bank driveway. So I sit there for a minute hoping that if I wait it will start. That work a minute ago at Target. Well no luck. So I get out of the car and walk across the street to the car dealership and ask for help. I sometimes think that my husband knows everyone in town because the person I ask to help me looks out at my cars and says "your Tim's wife" and happily helps me. So I am on my way again, I abandon all other errands and head for home. I get to 9th and Ave c and have to stop for a red light, oh no I am in trouble again. The turns green and I start to go and only make it part of the way. It stopped right in the middle of the lane going west. So I sit there for a minute not sure what to do, hoping someone will help me. After a call to Tim trying to figure out what to do a wonderful lady stops to help me. She flags down others to help and a wonderful man with a truck stopped. He put bumper to bumper and pushed me to the side of the road. He gave me a jump and followed me home. Tim went and got a new battery and we thought the problem would be solved. But that would be to easy, the battery light is still on and Tim said that the alternator is not holding a charge. Now if you can remember back through all of our terrible car disasters, 2 years ago in February the boys got locked in the car on a very cold day because the alternator died. So it is not that old, but we can't find the receipt for the warranty. Merry Christmas to us!!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Well everyone is sick. It started with Brenden throwing up in Wal-Mart on Friday. Of course I had a cart FULL of groceries and still had 2 or 3 things on my list. I didn't know what to do it was everywhere and I really needed the groceries in the cart. So I cleaned him up best I could and since he wasn't crying or anything I quickly grab the things I needed and headed for the check out. It took about 1/2 an hour to finish up and head to the car. He was sick a few more times through out the day, but Saturday was quite uneventful. Tim worked all day and the boys and I didn't go anywhere for fear of Brenden getting sick, but thankfully he didn't. So I went by the 24 hour rule and since Brenden hadn't been sick since Friday we decided to go to church this morning. Once we got there and got all settle in our pew Tim leans over and says"Logan just burped and it smells like puke". Oh no. So I go to the kitchen and get a towel just in case.
I think it could be a false alarm he has been acting fine. I no sooner sit down with the towel and Logan is throwing up. Thank God it was in the middle of a hymn so no one notice (not that there was anyone in church to hear). So I grab the towel and get a grocery bag from the kitchen, Tim grabs Logan and gets his coat on. We decide that Brenden, Layne, and I will stay for church and Sunday school. It wasn't until after he left that I thought about how the rest of us were going to get home. Scott and Debbie had brought the truck to church so there wasn't room for all of us in there. So Scott ended up driving me home so I could get my car and then I went back to church to get Layne and Brenden.

After we got home and ate lunch Tim wasn't feeling great so he decided to go lay down with Logan. Layne and I started to clean the house and I could tell he wasn't feeling great but he hadn't complained about anything yet. So my mom came over and help us clean. It didn't take long and we got the whole house clean. After we were done Layne and I had to run some errands. Were we leaving the second store I still had one more that I wanted to stop at but Layne started complaining about being cold and I notice that his nose was all snotty. So we headed home. By the time we got home he was coughing, had a fever and had started to loose his voice. So I made grill cheese sandwiches for everyone and sent all the boys to bed. Brenden seems to be feeling fine and Logan hasn't thrown up since about 11:00 a.m., but poor Layne. I am not sure if he is going to be able to go to school tomorrow. I hope he can go on Tuesday for his classes' Christmas party. I also hope that Tim doesn't get any worse. He is going to have a short week anyway. I am going to post this and head to bed myself!!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Layne's Christmas program was super cute. He was a shepard and wore a bath robe and a piece of flannel on his head. I was too busy chasing after the boys that I didn't get a picture. I will have to ask Kristi if she did!!

I think I am catching a cold. I really don't feel great today. I hope that it doesn't last long because I have way to much to do!!

I have been trying not to give the twins as junk to snack on in the morning so they will actually eat lunch. So when I go in the kitchen to make lunch I tell the boys to "set the table". They get out the little chairs and the table and put it in the middle of the living room and sit down and eat like big boys! It is really fun to watch!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

So Tim and I discovered last night that Brenden takes all the pieces of yarn he pulls off of his blanket and sticks them in the key hole of his bedroom door. How funny is that!!

Layne's Christmas program at church is tomorrow night. Since we had to cancel the practice on Sunday the kids will practice at 6:00 and have the program at 7:00. It should be great!!

The weather tomorrow is supposed to be nicer so I think the boys and I will run a few errands in the morning!! It will be nice to get out!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Oh, to be stuck inside during a blizzard. I was awoke this morning by a phone call from Pastor cancelling church. I then spent the next 45 minutes on the phone with the Sunday School teachers (oh, the joys of being the superintendent) rescheduling the Christmas program practice we were supposed to have. After that I declared it stay in your PJ's day and make the kids cinnamon rolls and eggs. I am very grateful today for digital cable. We spent the morning watching movies on demand. The first one we watched was Alvin and the Chipmunks. The twins just loved it, they laughed and danced. I was surprised that they watched so much of it.

When the twins went down for their nap Layne and I went to the kitchen. We made 3 batches of peppermint bark, a batch of rice flour chocolate peppermint cookies for my mom and sister (I got the recipe from the cookie class!!), and cinnamon glass candy. I still need to make almond bark covered pretzels for my sister.

It has been a silly day around here:
  • Tim tooted so Logan told him he needed to go potty and we all lost it.
  • The boys found some stocking hats and giggled hysterically while putting them on and off.
  • When Logan got up this morning and looked out the window he said "holy cow". I called Debbie and she was able to hear him do it.
  • Made the boys breakfast. After Logan ate all his eggs he brought his plate to me and set it in my lap and said "eggs please". So I had to go make more. Between the 5 of us we ate a dozen and a half eggs. Go thing we were stocked up.

Tomorrow is supposed to be colder yet. High of 15 below and wind chills of 45 below. Not sure if Layne will have school. Tim's not sure if he can work, he needs to cut tile and the only place to do that at this house is outside. I am going to have cabin fever so bad by Wednesday. I will really look forward to the Christmas program at church Wednesday night!!

Going to put the kids to bed now and go out and help Tim shovel the driveway a bit. We really need to get the snow blower fixed. We have way to much driveway to shovel!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Logan is talking up a storm. He can count to 6, he sings jingle bells, and says Merry Christmas. Brenden is quite the talker too when you can hear him over Logan.

We are baring down for quite a storm starting Sunday. Mondays high is 15 below with wind chills of 40 below. Needless to say I will not be going anywhere on Monday and Tuesday. By Wednesday cabin fever should be in full swing!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Its the end of an era. The twins have officially stop napping. It has been 3 days since they took a nap. I still make them go up and lay down (probably more for me than them) and "rest". I use that word loosely because I can hear constant footsteps. I am sure they will nap here and there but I think my days of 3 hour naps is gone for good. It is 6:50 and I don't hear a peep from upstairs. I think if we would have left Brenden in his highchair any longer he would have fallen asleep.

I finished my Christmas shopping today. I am so glad to be done. Now I just have to wrap them all. I did manage to wrap some on Sunday and I notice today that there is a tear in one of the packages. I asked Layne about it and he just smiled at me. I might have to hide them!!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

We have had a lot going on since I posted last. Scott and Tim finished putting the lights up at WBI on Friday. We were so thankful that Scott was able to help! Friday night we were invited to a party for the completion of the building project at church. It was nice to get out and visit with friends.

On Saturday Debbie and I went to our cookie class. We has such a good time and rally learn a lot. We made 9 different types of cookies and 2 candies. We made biscotti which was really fun because I have always wanted to know how to make it!

Sunday was busy. After church Layne and I made 4 batches of peppermint bark and did some cleaning and then went over to my moms house for a while.

On Monday I notice that Logan's mouth was all purple. I didn't think that it was like that before I took Layne to school so I was kind of concerned. I called his pediatrician and she said that he should be seen. So I took him in and they checked him out. His blood oxygen levels were fine which was my biggest concern. The dr. did a good job of checking him out and didn't fine anything that she thought would have caused it. She did detect a slight heart murmur, but said that was common.

So we have been busy and it will likely stay that way through the end of the year. Tim's month is crazy, but we thank God that he has work to do!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

It was the first really cold day today. The wind chill this morning was 9 below. Layne was glad that we didn't have to walk today. I dropped him off on my way to bible study.

Scott was helping Tim today put the Christmas light and they both came home for lunch. Scott and I were sitting at the table with and I noticed that they was some pencil writing on the wall. So I asked Brenden who did it and he said "Logan did it". I laughed and asked Logan who did it and he said "Brenden did it" How funny! It is starting already!

Every year my MOPS group does Christmas babysitting. So tomorrow I get to drop the kids off for 2 1/2 hours!!! I don't really have any Christmas shopping to do though so I am just going to go grocery shopping and run a few errands. Somethings that will take me 20 minutes that would have taken an hour with the kids. It will be nice!

Debbie and I have our cookie class on Saturday. I am really looking forward to it. I will have all kinds of Christmas goodies!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Layne had his eye appointment today. The dr said everything looked great. He has 20/20 vision. So I am glad that his eyes are ok.

Tim was able to be home tonight to give the kids a bath. When he washes them up he always gives them a little soap and tells them to wash their bellies. Well tonight he did Logan first and instead of washing his own belly he started to wash Brenden's. It was so cute. So then Brenden wanted some soap and washed Logan's belly. So they stood there and washed each other and giggled. Then after they got out of the bath they were playing with Chloe and Logan was laughing so hard he fell over and couldn't get back up. Oh, what fun!!

Monday, December 1, 2008

What a weekend. I had such a great time with Tim's family. We ate a lot and played a lot of games. Jody, Debbie and I did get out and do a little shopping on Friday afternoon. Jody and I also went to find her new boots on Saturday. I went to K-mart on Sunday afternoon. They are doubling all manufacturer's coupons this week. My total before coupons was $61 after coupons was $23! Tim can make fun of me and my coupons all he wants! De and Lloyd ended up staying until this morning because the weather wasn't very nice. When Layne got home from school today he said his heart was breaking because he missed Grandma De! It was so quiet today the boys and I didn't know what to do. You would think that they would have taken a great nap today right? Nope!! Neither of them slept! O well they will go to bed early!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The boys and I wen to MOPS this morning. It was spa day so we had ladies come in and give massages and makeup, and they had a nail table and pedicures. It was really fun and the boys really like playing with the other kids.

Got everything on my list done today. I am all ready for company!! I hope every one has a Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Whew!! What a weekend! It started Friday night with a Pampered Chef show in Center. The weather was not so nice and i wasn't sure I was going to get to go. But once I got outside of Mandan the roads were fine. The show was ok I hope to get more orders before we close the show on Wednesday.

On Saturday morning the boys and I went over to Debbie's to help her make lefse. Debbie rolled and I flipped. The boys had a really good time playing with "new" toys. After we left there Kristi and Hunter come over to our house so we could do some baking. We made a double batch of chocolate chip cookies, a double batch of oatmeal coconut, peppermint bark, rice crispy bars, almond cover pretzels, and brownies. I need the peppermint bark and rice crispies for the chili cook off at church so I thought I should make a day of it. It only took us 4 hours and 1 trip to the grocery store!!

On Sunday after church Tim put up the Christmas light. He had rented a lift to do another tree in town so he decided to put light up on the top peak.

Today the twins and I went grocery shopping. We went to walmart and to the grocery store to get everything we need for our company! Yeah!! I will clean some to night and some tomorrow night. I had planned on cleaning tomorrow morning but I almost forgot I have MOPS!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The twins are too cute. We were singing today, something with the word "Alleluia" in it, and the boys repeated it and continued to sing it all day. It is so cute!!!

I talked to Layne's teacher today. I told her it was taking us an hour to home work and about 25 minuted to read. So we decide to cut out the "family times" sheet and have Layne read half a book every night. I think this will help. We also decided that we would work back up to doing all the homework and reading whole book. She also contacted the schools social worker and got Layne into a program so he can get his eyes check and if he were to need glasses they would be free. So I am going to meet him tomorrow after school to get the paper work, then I can set up the appointment.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

This is my 100th post. I started doing this in July and I hope you all have enjoyed reading about us. Sometimes I think we can be pretty entertaining.

We meet a friend today for a play date. I hadn't seen Pam in a while and it was nice to have some grown-up time, but the boys weren't feeling well. I really hope they aren't getting what Debbie has.

Brenden can now say "love you" and he is so cute when he says it. He has also started poking me with the yarn on his blanket when he is cuddling. Layne used to poke me with the corner of his blanket. It is so cute!!

Monday, November 17, 2008

I have been really busy and finally had time to add pictures. I put up 3 new slide shows.

So we had a really nice weekend. My mom came over on Saturday and we made some cookies, Tim, Layne, mom, and I had a good time decorating cookies. If you are going to be at my house for Thanksgiving you will get to eat the fruits of our hard work!!

On Sunday Layne and I went out to buy new shoes and it took us 2 hours. He was really set on getting sketchers--a special kind of shoes--that are $45. I said no way. I was not going to spend that kind of money on shoes for a kid. So we looked around and finally found a pair on sale for $25, they we not the fancy style but they had the name and Layne was happy. I can't believe he his old enough to know brands.

This week is actually pretty quite. Just bible study and a pampered chef show. Gives me time to get ready for company!!! Yeah!!

Hope you enjoy the pictures!


Birthday Pictures

Farm Pictures

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Tim went to Layne's school today to talk to his class about his job. Tim said the kids were really good and asked a lot of questions. He pulled the tool trailer over there and all the kids got to come out and look at it and then he gave them a carpenters pencil.

The lady from right track came today and checked out the boys. The both tested really well in every area except fine motor skills. That must be genetic because that is part of what Layne is struggling with too. But other than that they did well. We will recheck them in 6 months so she can get a better idea of there speech. She also told me that if they are still having trouble when they turn 3 they could qualify for a free preschool program. So we will see what happens.

Tomorrow I will take them in to try and get pictures taken. If Debbie is feeling well enough she is going to come with me.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Tim is in between jobs right now and didn't have much to do so he was able to go with me to the dr. today. The boys are doing really well Brenden weighs 26 lbs 12 oz (20th percentile) and is 35 1/2 inches (80th percentile), and Logan weighs 25 lbs 3 oz (20th percentile) and is 33 1/2 inches (25th percentile). So they are growing big and strong and don't have to go back for a check up until they are 3. They were also able to get the flu mist, but I forgot to get my flu shot.

Layne got a perfect score on his spelling test today!!! I am so proud of him. We took him out and bought him a new Lego set. We told him that we wouldn't do this every time but we really wanted him to know we were proud of him. He said that he understood and maybe next time he got a perfect score we could go to the park or do something else that was special. He is really growing up!!

The lady from the right track program is coming over tomorrow. This program tests the kids' skill to make sure they are on track. I think they are doing well but it is nice to have them checked out and it is a free service.

I have LWML tonight so I better go get ready.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Well what a weekend it has been. We barely made it out of town on Thursday before the blizzard hit. Bismarck had it's first snow day 12 years on Friday. We made it to the farm with no trouble and had a great weekend. We made lefse, Layne and I made beads with Mandy and Kara. I took the boys outside to play in the snow and we played lots of games. It was tons of fun!

When we got home there was a ton of snow and of course we didn't have the snow blower here let alone a shovel. It took Debbie, my mom, my neighbor, and I several hours to shovel (after we borrowed a shovel from the neighbor and Debbie went home and got hers). I was so thankful for the help and Tim and Scott went to the storage unit last night and got all our winter stuff. As Tim was snow blowing last night the auger part of the blower fell out, so I guess we will be shovel a SUPER big driveway this year.

The twins' birthday was uneventful. It is so hard to believe they are 2. The years have gone so fast. The next year will be an interesting one. They grow and learn so much from 2-3. I think I will need lots of prayers!

The twins have there 2 year check up tomorrow. I am interested to see what the boys weight an dhow tall they are. I also want to ask the dr. about Brenden's warts.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

My cousin Josie came and spent the afternoon with us. It had been years since we had a chance to sit down and talk. Usually we are with all of my family and you are lucky if you get 5 minutes with a person.

The boys are very tried this week. I hate the time change when the kids are little. It really messes with the schedule and takes so long to get back to normal.

Heading to the farm tomorrow (weather permitting) so i will post our adventures and some pics when we get home!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Well we have obviously been watching too much news lately. At dinner tonight Layne informed us that we got to be old enough he was going to run in an election and become vice-president, and then he told us not to worry he won't raise taxes!!

Kristi and I went to K-Mart today. We both decide to take advantage of their lay-away plan and get some things for Christmas. So besides the calenders (surprise!) I think I might be done Christmas shopping. I am sure a few little things will come up, but I have been much better this year about buying things when I see them.

The weather is supposed to turn pretty ugly in the next couple days, just in time for all of us to go out of town. Debbie, the kids, and I are headed to her parents house, and Scott and Tim to the cabin to hunt. So I hope that it misses us.

Monday, November 3, 2008

So as you can tell by the date of my last entry I have been very busy so we will start with last Friday. We were planning on going to my mom's family reunion/cousins wedding on Saturday morning and coming back on Saturday night, but mom wanted to go down Friday night and since my sister was coming up from Aberdeen that would mean we would have taken 3 cars. So Tim and I changed our plans. We picked up Layne from school and head to Golva where the 3 boys got to got trick-or-treating with my cousins. It was so fun and they got homemade cookies, cupcakes, pop, and chips. It was so nice not to have to worry about checking candy because most of the people they got candy from were some relative of mine!!

On Saturday Tim got to go hunting with my uncle. He also went with a priest and a priest to be. I know it sounds like a bad joke! Anyway in about an hour they all shot their limits. My cousin Lexi who is about 14 really likes the twins, so she kept an eye on them for me while
I helped out in the kitchen. After lunch we played our annual game of bingo. We came home with lots of stuff. We tried to lay the twins down for a nap but that didn't go over very well so by the time dinner was over at my cousins reception they were ready to go home. So we left at about 8:30 and it was only a 2 hour drive home.

We had Kristi's benefit on Sunday and it went really well. We figure there were about 120 people there. The silent auction items went over very well and made about $500.

And finally today. I got a great deal on Tim's meds. They were on sale at CVS for $19.99 and I had a $4 off any purchase of $20 and a $1 off coupon, so I got Tim's meds for $15. They are usually $32 for a pack that big. I love getting a good deal!

We had Layne's parent teacher conference tonight. She said he is a very sociable kid, but he is not doing very well in school. He got "needs improvement" on just about everything. So we talked about what we can do at home and hopefully between this and his reading club we will see some improvement. She is also going to see about getting his eyes checked through the school if she can't we will take him in.

So that should catch you up.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Had a great time carving pumkins with Scott, Jeff, Kristi and Hunter!!

Monday, October 27, 2008

I had a wonderful time in St. Louis. The trip there and back went without incident!! I learned a lot and meet some really wonderful people. I will be busy in March and April visiting our 6 zones and teaching them what we learned.

I have another bust week:
Tonight--Pampered Chef show
Tuesday--Morning MOPS, evening, Organizational meeting for Kristi's benefit
Wednesday--Carving pumpkins, making cup cakes for Layne's class
Thursday--Morning Bible Study, evening, TV (very important, Grey's Anatomy is on)
Saturday--In Beach for cousin wedding
Sunday--Kristi's Benefit

So pray for us we are very busy for the next couple of weeks. I pray that none of us get sick and that every thing goes smoothly.

Oh, yeah, I almost forgot to tell you that we had to take my car in to get the head lights fixed. They wouldn't turn on. Our mechanic was able to get in in today and I got it back already and it only cost $240!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I took Layne to the dr. She said he had hemorrhoids. This is what we all figured and she suggested an over the counter med for 2 months. So we will try that and hope that it helps him.

I got all the laundry done and all of us packed and ready to go. Hunter is spending the night tonight. It is nice for both Kristi and I she gets some rest and I don't have to entertain Layne (not that I don't enjoy it). Tim and the boys are outside right now playing with air soft guns and the house is nice and quiet.

Since I will be all alone tomorrow night I am going to have dinner with Kristi and then I figure I will run some errands I have been putting off!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

So anyone who knows me knows that I love to get a good deal. Our grocery store is running a sale this week, buy 10 general mills products get an instant $15 off coupon. Well general mills owns Betty crocker, who makes fruit roll-ups and gushers. So I went down to the store to buy some thinking I would get a good deal. Well when I got there the fruit roll ups and gushers were priced 3/$5. So I bought my 10 boxes and after my coupon I only had to pay $1.68. This was even better than I had thought! I love getting a great deal!! I think I will go back tomorrow.

We finally got to stay home today. We have been so busy that we haven't had a whole day home since early last week. I could tell the boys were happy to stay home because they were getting in trouble. They were climbing all over the table, hitting Chloe with a bat, dumping out the laundry basket, and this was all before 10:00 a.m. Tomorrow is another busy day. We have to take Layne to the dr. then we will go down and help Kristi with some things. Hunter is going to spend the night tomorrow night since they don't have school Thursday or Friday. I also have to get Laundry done and get us all packed. We are never still.

Monday, October 20, 2008

P.S. Don't forget to check out the pictures from the fall festival!!
The fall Festival was a great success. We didn't have as many kids this year as last, but it was still fun. I posted picks of the kids. I expected the twins to take their costumes off right away, but they left them on all night. My mom was such help and it was a good thing she was there because we put Tim to work.

I spent 3 hours grocery shopping today. I had to get food and house stuff at wal-mart so that took me more than an hour and a half. Then I had to go to the regular grocery store for meat and produce. I am so lucky the boys are so good!!

I went down to Kristi's after we got Layne. We got clothes set out for Hunter for the rest of the week so that Jeff doesn't have to try and match clothes (and as Kristi says, doesn't succeed), we clean off the counters and tables, I cooked a lasagna so that Jeff has something for lunch, and made dinner for Hunter. She is getting better everyday, but still gets winded if she talks to much or tries to do to much. Unfortunately all of the friends that had promised to do things for her after surgery have not been around to help.

I have to get started packing tomorrow. Tim and the boys are going to the lake while I am in St. Louis. I feel a little frazzled this week, trying to get so much done. My back has been bothering me since Saturday when I picked up all the leaves. I hope that if I take it easy tomorrow it will feel better.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Layne and Hunter had a sleepover last night. We went and picked him up after dinner and once they got to our house they played with guns outside until 9:30. Tim, Scott, and I were checking Christmas light in the garage so they planned lots of sneak attacks on us. After we came onside they thought they were going to die with out popcorn and then they just had to watch a movie while they ate. So any way it was after 11:00 before the TV was off and light were out. They were both so well behaved, and Layne thinks we have to do it again very soon.

I spent 3 hours dealing with leaves today, and that was only the front yard and driveway. I love having mature trees, but I hate to clean up after them. I had to barrow a garbage can from the neighbors. I will make it my goal to get the back yard done this week.

Tomarrow is the fall festival at church. It should be realy fun, and lot of work. I will try to take pictures and post them.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Logan pooped on the potty today!! Tim got him down during dinner and put him on the potty and he went. I think it was a happy accident because he didn't really care. I hope this is the beginning of many more happy accidents!!

I got a note from Layne's teacher today, she is concerned about his reading. So I called and spoke to her this afternoon. She said when she quizzed him on the 36 sight words from kindergarten he only got 13 right. She also said she has been noticing several other things that had her concerned. She suggested that we put him in the Title 1 reading group (some special class through the no child left behind act), she is also going to work more with him in school and send home extra homework. I feel a little frustrated and wish I could afford to hire a tutor.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I took the boys in for pictures today. It did not go well. The lady who was taking the pictures gave each of the boys a ball right away and that was a mistake. She was not very friendly and did not no how to entertain kids. I had to tell her what poses to try and what backgrounds to use. It didn't help that the boys were cranky today. But I was so frustrated. None of the pictures she got turned out really well, so I left with out buying any. I also realized that that is something I can not do by myself. So I will have to reschedule when some one can go with me.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I cleaned out the boys toy box today. I separated out all the cars, animals, and balls/blocks. I put them in totes and put them up. I thought I would bring them out on differnt days. The living room looks so clean with only one box of toys. I am going to have Tim move the gate to the kitchen doorway. Even when the gate is open they climb over the walls.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Ok, how cute is this! My sleeping little angels!!
Jen and I took our boys for a walk today. We decided to change it up a bit, so we went down by the river. It was pretty cold out and the wind was blowing, but we had a nice walk anyway. The twins really liked it because they saw lots of birds and the path we were on goes behind and around the zoo, so we saw the camels and deer too.

I am going to get the boy's 2 year pictures taken on Wendesday. I want get them done so I have them back by the time we see all my mom's family. That way I can save some stamps. I hope it goes well sometimes it can be hard to do by myself.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

I had a very nice time at the rally on Saturday. I was nominated to go to the national LWML convention in Portland OR this coming June. I am very excited, I wanted to go but I didn't think we would be able to afford it, so God provided!!

Tim ended up not hunting this morning because it rain all night, and we got out of doing yard work.

Hope you had a good weekend!!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

I just went upstairs to get the boys some clothes for church. They weren't sleeping, but they were both laying in Brenden's bed cuddling. It was the cutest thing I have ever seen!

Tim is going duck hunting tomorrow and Scott and Debbie have to usher. So I will be all alone with all 3 kids. Pray for me!!

Friday, October 10, 2008

It was a very long day. The boys fought all day. It started with toast this morning, and continued with trains, cars, juice, and anything the other picked up. I called Tim at one point and couldn't talk to him because they were crying so much.

Layne is really growing up. he had a friend call tonight just to talk. Layne said it was because they are in a club together and they had to make "plans". He also "broke up" with one of his girlfriends. He is growing up to fast!!

Kristi's surgery went very well. It did not take as long as planned and she is getting her breathing tube taken out tonight. Praise the Lord!!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Layne had a play tonight. It was well, interesting. It was very hard to hear, so I am not even sure what it was about. But Layne had fun doing it.

Kristi's surgery is tomorrow morning at 5:45. Pray for her. She did not have a good day today after her echo cardiogram she was very nauseous and tired. The surgery will last 8 hours so it will be hard on Hunter and Jeff too.

The twins have learned to scale the wall and climb over. The have also discovered that if they empty out the plastic toy bins and flip them over they can use them to climb over. Logan has red marks, like bruises, on his stomach from climbing over stuff. I am not ready to let them out yet though. They make a mess of every thing. Today I came out of the bathroom to find dill weed all over the kitchen. I guess the were going to make a vegetable dip.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Tim got his truck back...again. So we should be good for about 3 months or so, until it breaks down again.

I am not feeling good today. I laid down with Logan and took about a 2 hour nap. I don't think Logan is feeling well either. He woke up in the middle of the night and fussed for awhile and ended up sleeping in our bed. I am still tried so I will be heading to bed early!!

Monday, October 6, 2008

I forgot to tell you about the dinner I made. Thai Peanut Chicken. I used western dressing instead of catalina because that is what I had and I added about a 1/4 teaspoon of crushed red pepper flakes. It was sooo goood and every one like it!!! Try it!!
The boys and I had a wonderful lunch with Kristi and her friend Bobbi today. Kristi leaves in the morning to go down to Rochester for her surgery. My prayers are with her. I am really going to miss her, we see each other a couple times a week. The planning for her benefit is going well. I have picked the date, time, and several other things.

The twins were up early today, 6:45, so that means of course that I was up early. I have been hanging on to a cold for about a week now. It never really got to be a full fledged cold, but enough to be a nuisance.

Busy week this week. I had a board of Education meeting tonight, LWML on Wednesday, Thursday night Layne has a play, Saturday I will got to Mclusky for an LWML Rally come home and then drive to center for a Pampered Chef show. It will be Christmas before I know it!!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

We had a good weekend. Layne had a great time at the night of frolic. He came home with green and pink hair and a belly full of pizza. By the time he got home and got to bed it was after midnight ans he was so excited that he stayed up past midnight.

On Saturday Layne and I went to the second hand store looking for things to make his Indiana Jones costume for Halloween, but we ended up coming home with a sheriff costume circa 1970. We got the vest and cowboy boots for $5 and then we went to the dollar store where we got a package that had a gun, bullets, badge, and spurs for a buck!! So we will have little chickens being watched over by the sheriff. I will be sure to post pictures of that!!

On Saturday night Kristi, Jeff, and Hunter came over for dinner. After dinner the boys (Jeff, Tim, Layne and Hunter) went out side to shoot their air-soft guns. Some people never grow up. When it got dark they all came in side and we looked at some funny clips on you tube. I love spending time with them and I don't know what I will do not being able to see Kristi for 2 weeks.

Today was LWML Sunday at church. I ushered at the first service and the boys were very restless and wanted to come sit with me. After church we had a potluck and came very close to running out of food.

Time to put the boys to bed!!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Tim's Truck is broke...again. I am so sick of his truck. Last time it broke I threaten to push it over a cliff, this time it might just find it's way there. We took it to our regular mechanic and he can't fix it because it is some kind of special computer part. Go figure.

I think I am getting sick and it is perfect timing. Jeff and Kristi invited us to go to "Savor the Flavor" tomorrow night. It is a fundraiser for Med Center's children's hospital. Jeff donated the tables for the event so he got free tickets and they invited us to go. I have a sore throat. I hope it doesn't get any worse.

Brenden rode his bike into the table outside tonight. He has a big bump on his head and a cut under his eye. Brenden doesn't handle pain well and Layne and I heard him crying while we were on our walk around the block. Poor kid.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I had my mops group this morning, it was my tables turn to bring treats. So on the way in I had one handful. I usually have the boys each take one of my hands, but since one was full I took Logan's hand and told Brenden to take Logan's other hand. It was the cutest thing I have ever seen and would have love to have had a picture of us walking through the parking lot holding hands. They were so good holding hands all the way to their play room. Cute!!

My friend Kristi gave me a gift card for Red Lobster for my birthday, so I decided that we should go out tonight. We had a wonderful dinner. Thanks Kristi!!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Layne didn't have school today so we had Hunter over for the day. I took all the boys up to Gateway Mall to play at the play area. We stopped in at CVS and they had all there summer stuff 90% off. I got the twins some rubbery clog shoes for next summer for $.80, markers for $.05, plastic bat and ball for $.25, addition flash cards for $.10. I love getting a good deal.

It was such a beautiful day here today we spent 2 hours outside playing. I had to bribe the twins inside at 4:30 with cookies so I could make dinner. I was tempted to skip making dinner and have sandwiches so we could keep playing outside.

Layne gets to go to school on Friday night from 6:30 to 11:30 p.m. They call it the Friday night of frolic. They get to play games, eat pizza, and do other fun stuff.

Hope you all had a good weekend!! God Bless!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Mandy and Ryan came over at about 2:30 today so they could walk over with me to get Layne from school. Layne was so excited to see Mandy he gave he a great big hug and wouldn't let go.

We had a wonderful turkey dinner at Scott and Debbie's tonight to celebrate Mandy's birthday, and now they are coming over to play a game!!

Oh, yeah, the twins found a hole in the screen for their window and threw socks out of it. Ryan was picking up socks this afternoon and there are still some on the roof of the entryway.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

We had a pretty boring uneventful day, I made some breakfast treats for my bible study group tomorrow and I got the night off from cooking, Tim didn't get to come home for dinner so the kids and I had leftovers.

Brenden woke up again today before Logan. We sat by the window and he talked to me, he can say so much now. Love you, cookie, and best of all I got him to say Mandy. She will be so excited when she comes home!!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I made knoephla soup for dinner to night totally from scratch, homemade chicken stock, homemade dumplings. It was really good, probably the best I ever made. My sister makes fun of me for being so cheap. But I think it is totally worth it.

After dinner Layne and I made peanut butter cookies, while Tim set up a tent in the living room and played with the twins. They love to play in the tent!!

It was a very nice cool day. It rained on and off all afternoon and of course it was raining when it was time to go get Layne!!
This is a fun tag game...just answer the questions below with a photo that you found on Google image search, with minimal explanations. Thanks Pam!!

1. The age you will be on your next birthday:

2. Place you want to travel to:
I would love to see Ireland!

3. Your favorite place:The lake at Grandma and Grandpa Larson's

4. Your favorite food: Pasta!!
5. Favorite pet:

Chloe has a white belly.

6. Favorite color combination:

7. Favorite piece of clothing:

8. Your all time favorite song:

9. Favorite TV show:

10. First name of your significant other:

11. Which state you live in:

12. Your screen name/nickname:

13. Your first job:

14. Your dream job:
I would love to be a chef!!

15. One bad habit that you have:

I tend to be overly organized.

16. Worst fear:

17. Thing you’d like to do before you die:


18. First thing you’ll buy if you get a million dollars:

A big fancy kitchen!!

19. Your husband:

A very skilled carpenter!!

20. Present you would like for your next birthday:

Monday, September 22, 2008

I don't know what happen to the pictures, but I reposted both slide shows!!

Lake Pictures

Pumpkin Patch

We had a great weekend with my sister and nephew. On Friday after Layne got out of school we went to the pumpkin patch. There were very few people there when we got there so the kids got to run free. It was very hot though, almost 95.

On Saturday morning we walk downtown and watched the autumn fest parade. We got there early and had muffins and coffee (or at least Katie and I did) and my friend Kristi and her son Hunter meet us there. The parade was nice but it was very cold. Saturday night we had some friends over and had a bon fire in the back yard. It was a beautiful evening and had a great time with our friends.

Layne doesn't have any homework this week because they are doing some testing everyday in class this week. It will be nice to have a week off.

Mandy and Ryan are coming home this weekend. Layne is so excited to see them!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I had a great birthday. Mom came over this morning and we took the kids to the play ground. We were there for an hour and the kids had a great time. Mom gave Katie and I money so we could go out for lunch. We went to Paradiso we had great food and the kids were sooo goood!

Scott came over for dinner we tried to eat outside but the bees were so bad that we came inside for dessert. I was surprise with a few visits from friends today. Thanks for everything guys!!
I put the twins down for their nap today in separate rooms again and it worked really well. Logan took a nice long nap but Brenden didn't sleep long. They both have runny noises and Brenden was up a lot last night.

Katie got here tonight in time for dinner and after dinner we walked down to Mr. Delicious for some cheese cake. We met Kristi a couple blocks from our house as she was driving to see us, so she parked her car and walked with us too.

Tomorrow is my birthday. I will be 27. I don't have any plans but it should be a nice day with my sister.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

When I put the twins down for their nap today I decided to try something different. I put Brenden down in his bed and I put Logan down in our bed. It worked great. Brenden cried out for Logan a couple of times and then rolled over and went to sleep. Logan got up and played a couple of time, I just went in and laid him pack down and he went to sleep too. They also slept longer, almost 2 hours. I hope they can do this everyday.

I found out today that Layne can no longer take peanut butter to dip his apples in. When I asked the principal about this she said it is in case someone in his class has a peanut allergy. I asked if anyone did and she told me no. So I am not quite sure why he can't take it. I also asked her about the snack policy and all she kept saying was that it was a policy before she came to the school. I showed her a letter that my friend got from her daughters school that had a long list of approved snacks, and she said sorry it it our policy. Policies can't be changed!?!

Katie is coming tomorrow. She will be here in time for dinner. I was talking to her on the phone this evening and JD was mad at her because they weren't coming tonight. He didn't what to wait one more day! Layne is excited to spend some time with JD too!

Monday, September 15, 2008

We had a great weekend at the lake! It rain all day Saturday and Sunday so the boys didn't get to play outside much, but Grandma Debbie and Jody played playdough with them for a couple of hours and they sure had fun with that.

It was a busy day for us, we ran to wal-mart and the grocery store trying to get ready for my sister and her son to come. We have a busy weekend planned, pumkin patch on Friday and the parade on Saturday. It should be fun!!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

We had a great day here at the lake yesterday. The boys loved be able to go in and out since there was no patio door. Tim and Scott got the old door out before lunch and got it all ready to install the new one this morning.

I gave all the boys hair cuts on the deck yesterday. The twins looked like they lost 10 pounds and their eyelashes go on forever. Layne has school pictures on Thursday so now he is all ready!

Debbie and De are making me a special birthday dinner tonight since she will be gone on my birthday. We are having shrimp scampi and I think we might be having angel food cake for dessert (they are keeping it a secret).

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Naps went better today I only had to go in and lay them back down about 20 times. Once they did fall asleep they looked like precious angels, but I know better.

I made the best Sour Cream Chicken Enchilada's for dinner. They were so good and everyone liked them. I got the recipe out of our new church cook book but the one below is the same.

After dinner we headed out for our nightly walk. We usually let Layne decide which way we go and tonight he just happen to lead us to a park. So we let the kids play awhile. They were so tried and grouchy today it was fun to hear them giggle.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Scott and Layne are true Vikings fans! They are all set to watch the Vikings/Packers game in style. Go Vikings!

Debbie sent me this picture today. She picked Layne up after school so he could go watch part of the game with grandpa. Their so cute!!

Well the boys didn't take a nap today. I laid them down at about 11:30 and at 12:30 when I was still hearing the pitter patter of little feet I went up there. They had thrown clothes all over the room, torn down the blind on the window, and rip up books. Well at 1:45 when they were still up I decided that I had to go get them because if they fell asleep they would only get to sleep for an hour. I thought I might lay them down after we got Layne form school but it was 3:30 by the time we got home from school and I didn't want them to sleep past 5:00 so I let them stay up. Tim got home around 6:30 and we put my sleepy little boys to bed right away, but do you think they went to sleep? Oh no Tim went up 3 times and told them to get back in bed, and finally the 3 time he laid down inbetween them and stayed there until they went to sleep.
It was an interesting and busy weekend. On Saturday morning Tim and I went to church for our rally day celebration. Brenden still wasn't feeling good so my mom stayed home with him. They rally day stuff went well and Logan had a great time in the jump house, but was getting very tried by the time we left at 12:30. When we got home Tim laid Logan down and he went right to sleep. My mom thought that we should take Brenden in to see the dr because he was so tried and hadn't eaten or drank anything in almost 24 hours. So we took him in and the dr said that he has a very nasty sore throat. After we got home he started to eat some potato chips and played a little, but when Logan woke up from his nap he had a fever of 102.

So on Sunday Layne and I wen to church and left Tim home with the boys. Brenden was feeling better, but Logan was pretty miserable. After church we went out to the refinery for a family day. Logan was still running a fever so Debbie came and sat with him while Tim Layne Scott and i went out there. Layne got to go out and drive a little boat on one of the damns. He talked his grandpa Scott in to riding with him. The Corp of Engineer's were there and taught them about boat and swim safety. They were also giving rides in the refinery fire truck and Layne got to ride in the front seat. I guess he talked the drivers ear off.

So all in all it was a very crazy weekend. I hope no one else in the family gets sick, we are head to the lake this weekend, but at least it doesn't seem to last long. Both the boys are their crazy selves today, they are a little tried but that doesn't seem to slow them down any.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Fat Lips and Vomitting

Debbie and I went out and ran some errands this morning. Brenden was cranky and a little whiny which isn't totally out of character for him, but he didn't want anything to eat which is out of character. But i just figured that it was because he was very overtired. I was wrong. We pulled in the driveway at home and he starting throwing up. He threw up several times. He cuddle grandma for a while, then came to me threw up one more time and fell asleep. Poor kid.

While we were trying to get Brenden out of the car and clean up, Logan ran around behind the car to get grandma and fell flat on his face. He has a big fat lip. But on the plus side I took Logan up to bed with out his blanket, laid down and went to sleep. Wonders never cease.
Well Logan finally fell asleep at about 10:30 and Brenden at about 10:45. Logan was very tried and I think would have fallen asleep by about 9:00 if it weren't for giggling Brenden. At one point when I looked in on them Logan was sitting in his bed and Brenden was jumping on it. Layne ended up in our room by about 7:45, because Brenden wouldn't leave him alone. So we will see how naps go today. They will either be so tried it won't be bad or we will have a repeat of last night. Pray for me.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Grandma and Grandpa gave the twins their birthday presents early. They got big boy beds!! Tim put them together today and we kid proofed the room completely. They were pretty excited about them. We will see if they actually stay in them.

Big Boy Beds!!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Aren't My Boy's Cute!

Aren't my boy's cute in their winter pj's. It is supposed to get down to 40 degrees tonight, so it's time to break out the warm pj's. I just thought they looked so cute!!

I had my first MOPS meeting today. They boys are in the same daycare room as last year, and the ladies couldn't believe how big they had gotten. I really enjoyed getting out and being with other moms, and the boys didn't want to leave. They have all kinds of cool toys there. I feel bad for some of the moms, their kids scream and cry when they leave. I waved good-bye to the twins and they waved back. I am very blessed!

Layne's homework is going better. He doesn't complain quite as much any more and we can get it done in about 20 min.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Logan is a caveman. I found him naked again this morning, swinging his diaper in the air. I hope that in a few years I can look back at this and laugh, but right now I am irritated. Tim decide it would be a good idea to put electrical tape over the diaper, so he wrapped it around Logan's waist. We put them to bed and a short while later Logan started to cry, Tim went to check him out and he had pooped. Serves Tim right for putting tape on him!

Brenden's warts are getting worse. They have spread to under his arm and on his tummy. I think they must itch because some of them are scabbed over now. Poor kid.

Debbie invited me to go to a movie with her today. We went and saw "Moma-Mia". I loved it! I haven't laughed and smiled at a movie ever. I would love to buy it when it comes out.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

We went to the zoo this morning. It was a beautiful morning, but the bees were bad and Logan got stung. He was really upset and clung to daddy. I had some sting ease stuff in my purse and after we put that on he seemed to feel better. After that Layne freaked out every time he saw a bee so we ended up leaving early. It's hot here today so we aren't doing much, Tim clean the garage a little, and I got some cleaning done (the twins got to take a nap, their lucky) and Layne is spending the night at grandma and grandpa's. I think they are taking him to "Star Wars: Clone Wars" so he was happy.
The twins had a very restless night. We put them to bed at about 7:30 because they were very tried, or so we thought. Tim and I went about our business and at about 9:00 we we sat down to watch TV they both started crying. So I went up and Logan was just laying there crying and Brenden has his pants off. So we took them into our room and cuddle them awhile. Layne isn't asleep yet either so he is in there too. At 10:00 when they were still up and not looking tried at all we put them back to bed. They fussed on and off all night and at about 5:30 we heard Logan crying. Tim went o get him and found him standing next to Brenden's crib. Scary. Tim brought him into bed with us and he cuddle until about 6:00 and then he decided that was enough and woke up Layne and Brenden followed shortly there after. So much for sleeping in!!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

The boys and I took Layne to school this morning then we went to church for our moms bible study. The boys are old enough now to really play with other kids and it is so fun to watch. They actually share with other kids. My MOPS group starts again next Tuesday, so that will be nice to have another day where the boys get to play with other kids and I get mommy time.

It was so beautiful here today, so after we got Layne from school we played outside. Logan loves to get on the little bike and ride it down the hill over and over. I am afraid that he will tip it over one day and really get scrapped up on the pavement.

Layne did better with his homework tonight. No crying. It is a lot for him to do, but he gets better everyday.

This is the first Labor Day weekend that Tim and I have been married that we are not going to be at the lake. Someone asked me if we have plans and I don't know what to do if we aren't at the lake. We will miss not being there!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Well homework didn't go much better today. It took us 45 minutes (15 of them were spent crying) but we got it done. I am not quite sure what to do to help make it exciting.

We went to the open house at Layne school to night. He got to show us he desk and the things he has been working on. He showed us the gym and the music room which in in a portable class room out behind the school. I think he is making some new friends, and I have discovered that is very important for Layne to get to school early so he can play outside.

The twins miss Layne when he goes. On the way home from school in the morning Logan says "Layne go", and they get very excited when I tell them it is time to get Layne. It's so cute!
Layne had his first homework assignment last tonight. It started out with lots of tears and "I can't do it" and ended with hugs and smiles. He had a spelling list of 8 words that we will have to work on each night and also a reading activity to do. Normally I would have Layne do his homework right after school but my friend Maria and her daughter Serenity invited us over to there house after school. By the time we got home is was 5:00, so we ate and Tim gave the boys' bathes while I helped Layne with his homework. Last night just proved to me that he HAS to do his home work in the afternoon, he gets to tried at night. But after a few right answers and some encouragement it only took us 1/2 an hour and I suspect that it will take us less time tonight.

I got to have some grown up time last night. Debbie took me out shopping to pick out some clothes for my b-day. We went to Old Navy and I got some great everyday shirts and some capri sweat pants. Then we went to the Dress Barn. I have never been there before and found some things I just love. I got a black one button cardigan sweater and a light cotton shirt with pink flowers to wear underneath it, and a fabulous brown and cream variegated three button sweater. I can wait for it to cool off so I can wear them!

I found out this morning that I have been getting Layne in trouble at school. He can only take fruit and veggies to school for snacks. I don't quite understand this. There are a lot of healthy snacks that are not fruit and veggies that they could take. It is very hard to always have them on hand and the stuff that comes in the little cups is filled with sugar. I am not happy.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

We had a very nice weekend. Layne spent the night at G&G's on Friday night. He loves to have sleep overs. On my way to pick him up on Saturday morning I stopped at a few rummage sales and I got a potty chair for $1 and a few little men for the diaper bag. I love getting a good deal!

Jeff, Kristi, and Hunter came over for dinner on Saturday night. We gave Hunter a slingshot for his birthday and all the kids had fun with it (right Kristi?). We love having them over. Layne really misses Hunter when we don't see them for awhile.

We went to church last night at the new LCMS church. Until they have a building they meet at Bethel at 5:00 on Saturday nights. I have been wanting to her Pastor Thompson for awhile and it work out well to go last night since our church service was being held outside today. I thought it would be too hard to keep 2 2-year-olds off of the playground during church. So we were bums this morning since we didn't have to get up and go to church. I think they boys liked staying home and playing with dad!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Well Layne didn't have much to say about his first day of school. He seem really happy and said it was great but I didn't get too many other details. He did say that lunch was good (they had pizza) and he said that his teacher Miss Bartel was very nice. His teacher sent home a daily schedule and it is really neat. They have all the basics like math, reading, spelling, art, but they also get to have computers and they get a "choice" twice a day. They get three things to chose from, free time, playtime, or snack so they can eat their snack in the morning or the afternoon depending on when they are hungry. All in all I think it is going to be a good year for Layne. He was very excited to go to school this morning.

O yeah he said his favorite thing was recces. What a big surprise.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

My Baby is a 1st grader!!

My baby started his first day of 1st grade. He was very excited and nervous to go to school. I made him a special breakfast, eggs, cinnamon rolls, and fruit. Tim was able to stay home and eat with us, so we had a nice family breakfast. When we got to school Layne's friend Serenity was waiting by the door for him. The color guard was there to raise the flag and the parents were invited to stayed for that, the pledge of allegiance and the school pledge. Then the principle told the students the could go to their class rooms and Layne took off and didn't even look back. I'll let you know all about his first day tomorrow.

We started our moms bible study again today. The boys loves having other little people to play with, and I love having adults to talk to.

Jody, thanks for being wondering about me because I hadn't posted in a couple of days. I called De at your house!!

Monday, August 18, 2008

We had a very relaxing weekend. Tim didn't work to much, so we just hung out at home and played with the twins. We had our neighbors over for dinner on Saturday. Tim and Levi threw a football and baseball around for awhile. They are like 2 teenagers.

Layne came home last night and couldn't stop talking about his fun weekend with grandma Pam. They went to the water park, county fair, and Storybook Land. I wish we all could have gone but it would have been too much work with the twins, so hopefully next year.

Layne is all ready for school. He got a letter from his teacher and his lunch number. We have been practising the number on a piece of paper she sent. It is a 6 digit number and he has it down. I sure will miss him we he goes to school!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

We gave the twins a bath last night, and we always give them a little soap and tell them to wash their toes and bellies. Well Logan decided that Brenden wasn't clean enough so he took his soap and washed Brenden's back. It was so cute!! It amazes me sometimes how they can be Tasmanian devils one minute and so sweet and adorable the next.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Layne has been grounded from downstairs for a about a week now, so he has taken to making a fort everyday. He likes to take a picture of the forts he builds, so I thought I would post a couple.
We just got home from Layne's doctors appointment. He was supposed to get 2 shots, but they we out of the chickenpox shot so we will have to go back for another one when they get it in. As if it wasn't bad enough to pack up all 3 kids and get them there, we now have to go back. On the plus side Layne was able to get the flu mist so we don't have to go back for that shot in October and it lasts 12-15 months instead of the 4-6 months that the shot lasts.

Logan has a very big bump/bruise on his forehead. Tim was putting the to bed the other night and Brenden had already gone in the room and he slammed the door on Logan's head. Then the next day he fell and got a bump right next to the one he already had. It's a good thing he has a hard head.

I better go get Layne packed. He is very excited!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Layne had a dentist appointment today. It wasn't that far away so Layne asked if he could ride his bike, so I packed the boys in the stroller and we walked. It was a beautiful morning and we had a nice walk. The dentist said Layne's teeth look great and that he has his 6 year molars already.

Layne has VBS this week. He had a great time last night. The theme this yea is "Power Lab" kind of a science theme. A member of our congregation is a chemistry teacher at the collage, and he made something "blow-up", and that was all Layne could talk about when he got home.

Layne is going with my mom this weekend to visit my sister in Aberdeen. He is very excited because the are going to a county fair and a water park. I wish we all could go!!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Layne has a new talent!! He can suck his nostrils in and hold them. Look closely at the picture.

Friday, August 8, 2008

So we were getting the boys ready for bed tonight and I took their diapers off to let them run naked for awhile. Logan was trying to look at his penis and couldn't quite bend over far enough, so he walked over to the radiator and held on to that so he could bend over enough to see it.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

I went up stairs to get the boys after their nap, and I found both of them standing there in a diaper swinging their shirts over their heads. Do I live with cave men? So I though oh well its 4:00 we will eat dinner soon and then have a bath, they don't need their clothes. But they wouldn't leave their room with out them. When we got down stairs they wanted me to put them back on so that they could spend the next 1/2 hour pulling their shorts up and down. Silly boys.

Layne is off to go to a movie with Grandma and Grandpa (Scott and Debbie) and then he is going to spend the night there. It will be very quite around here!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

My mom came over last night and we took the kids to the park. Brenden figured out how to climb up and go down the slide by himself, and Logan loves to swing with his older brother.

Tim, mom, and I picked up sticks when we got home. We had quite the storm when I was gone and it really reeked havoc on our trees. Our curb was piled with branches for the garbage men today.

Layne went to work with Tim again today. Tim is taking down Christmas lights so Layne was able to go and help him yesterday morning and again this morning. Tim gets a little bored working by himself.

Off to the grocery store!!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Tim was able to take the whole day off yesterday so after the boy's nap we went to the zoo. It was a beautiful day, but the animals weren't very active, but it was great to do something as a family.

Brenden figured out how to take his tray off his high chair last night at dinner. He thought it was so funny. They are to smart!

This morning they figured out that if they climbed up onto the arm of the couch they could get onto the half wall, onto the change table and slide down. When I realised they did this
I thought it was a one time thing. So I brought them back to the living room only to turn around to see them both out again. So I spent the morning cleaning and rearranging the living room, and in the time it took me to move the couch they got out 2 more times. Life is never boring at my house!!

Monday, August 4, 2008

I love my family!!

Everyone in the house got up before me today. I think I was wiped out form our vacation. Layne decide to make me breakfast in bed. I got fried eggs, toast, and peaches ( I think dad my have helped). It was the best breakfast I have ever had.

Our vacation was great. I made it to the cities with out any mishap. The kids were great in the car and the loved swimming at the hotel. It was great to get to see Grandma De's family again.

The lake was beautiful. We had great weather the whole week. The twins were not very interested in the lake at first. Logan warmed up quickly and ended up in the lake up to his neck. Brenden however didn't like it very much. He was happy just sitting on the beach and playing with rocks. Layne swam like a fish everyday. He also fished alot. Scott's cousin came up on Thursday with her kids and they got Scott to take them fishing on the boat. Scott was letting the kids drive the boat and got pulled over by the sheriff, he got a warning ticket because the boat hadn't been licensed in 17 years, but because the kids were wearing life jackets the got a free cone from DQ.

De and I spent a lot of time in the kitchen cooking. I love to cook so I don't mind. We had lots of great food.

The boys were very excited to see Tim when we got home. I think they missed there dad. I think we all missed him.

Well after my breakfast in bed Layne wanted to go register for his new school. So we went over there and got him registered. We took a tour of the school and meet the principal. The gymnasium has a rock climbing wall and Layne was very excited about that. The school has a library and computers that the kids get to use every day. And it has a portable classroom that they use for music. I think he is going to love this school.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Here are a couple of pictures I took of Layne at t-ball. The bottom one I took the first week and the second one I took today. I tried to get another one of Layne hitting without the "t" but he is too good. He hit the ball right away so I couldn't get a picture. Tim was able to make it today and is very proud of Layne!!

Looking forward to having dinner with Mandy and Ryan. Layne loves to see them, it just to bad that we won't get to see them for to long.

Well we are off tomorrow. I will try and post some pictures of the kids in the lake.

God Bless! Have a great weekend!!