Sunday, October 5, 2008

We had a good weekend. Layne had a great time at the night of frolic. He came home with green and pink hair and a belly full of pizza. By the time he got home and got to bed it was after midnight ans he was so excited that he stayed up past midnight.

On Saturday Layne and I went to the second hand store looking for things to make his Indiana Jones costume for Halloween, but we ended up coming home with a sheriff costume circa 1970. We got the vest and cowboy boots for $5 and then we went to the dollar store where we got a package that had a gun, bullets, badge, and spurs for a buck!! So we will have little chickens being watched over by the sheriff. I will be sure to post pictures of that!!

On Saturday night Kristi, Jeff, and Hunter came over for dinner. After dinner the boys (Jeff, Tim, Layne and Hunter) went out side to shoot their air-soft guns. Some people never grow up. When it got dark they all came in side and we looked at some funny clips on you tube. I love spending time with them and I don't know what I will do not being able to see Kristi for 2 weeks.

Today was LWML Sunday at church. I ushered at the first service and the boys were very restless and wanted to come sit with me. After church we had a potluck and came very close to running out of food.

Time to put the boys to bed!!

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