Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Layne had a dentist appointment today. It wasn't that far away so Layne asked if he could ride his bike, so I packed the boys in the stroller and we walked. It was a beautiful morning and we had a nice walk. The dentist said Layne's teeth look great and that he has his 6 year molars already.

Layne has VBS this week. He had a great time last night. The theme this yea is "Power Lab" kind of a science theme. A member of our congregation is a chemistry teacher at the collage, and he made something "blow-up", and that was all Layne could talk about when he got home.

Layne is going with my mom this weekend to visit my sister in Aberdeen. He is very excited because the are going to a county fair and a water park. I wish we all could go!!

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