Saturday, August 30, 2008

The twins had a very restless night. We put them to bed at about 7:30 because they were very tried, or so we thought. Tim and I went about our business and at about 9:00 we we sat down to watch TV they both started crying. So I went up and Logan was just laying there crying and Brenden has his pants off. So we took them into our room and cuddle them awhile. Layne isn't asleep yet either so he is in there too. At 10:00 when they were still up and not looking tried at all we put them back to bed. They fussed on and off all night and at about 5:30 we heard Logan crying. Tim went o get him and found him standing next to Brenden's crib. Scary. Tim brought him into bed with us and he cuddle until about 6:00 and then he decided that was enough and woke up Layne and Brenden followed shortly there after. So much for sleeping in!!

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