Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Its the end of an era. The twins have officially stop napping. It has been 3 days since they took a nap. I still make them go up and lay down (probably more for me than them) and "rest". I use that word loosely because I can hear constant footsteps. I am sure they will nap here and there but I think my days of 3 hour naps is gone for good. It is 6:50 and I don't hear a peep from upstairs. I think if we would have left Brenden in his highchair any longer he would have fallen asleep.

I finished my Christmas shopping today. I am so glad to be done. Now I just have to wrap them all. I did manage to wrap some on Sunday and I notice today that there is a tear in one of the packages. I asked Layne about it and he just smiled at me. I might have to hide them!!

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