Tuesday, February 8, 2011

So busy this week!! On top of what is already a super busy schedule, this week I am spending every morning at Simile Middle School observing a teacher to see what they do for class room management. I am sitting in on a life science class and it has convinced me that I am absolutely in the right field! Tomorrow he is giving a test so instead of watching the sweet little darling pick their noses, my friend StaceyAnn, who is also a teacher at Simile, offered to let me observe her class. So it should be fun to see the difference in a 16 year vet and a first year teacher.

We had the twins parent/teacher conferences last night. We had Brenden's first. His teachers said he is a great kid. When they do their assessing of their skills they score it on a 1-3 scale. Brenden got all 2's and 3's. His 2's were because of lack of participation in things like signing and other group activities. Which is crazy because he like to do those things at church. Logan scored mostly 3's. His teachers said that he is a role model in class and does very well at all activities. Super great boys!!!

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