Wednesday, March 30, 2011

After Layne got out of school today I took all the boys to the bowling alley so that Layne could make up the games that he had missed fro the last couple of weeks. Layne did pretty good, got a 70 one game. When we were getting ready to leave Layne went to put one ball away (he wanted to use 2 so the 4 games would go faster), well he took a long time to come back to Brenden decided he would help Layne and get the other ball out of the rack. He pick it up and started to come over to me and just as I was telling him that it was to heavy for him, put it down he tripped on the stair. He cracked his chin right on the edge and was bleeding everywhere. I immediately knew he needed stitches. So I went home to drop off the other 2 kids and check with Tim, I wanted to see what he thought and he wasn't sure, but I was! So we took him in and he had to get 4 stitches. Thankfully Debbie just happened to be at our house so she stayed and watched the boys so Tim could come with!

Tim's check up is tomorrow. I will post details about both of them then!

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