Monday, January 5, 2009

Brenden has finally learn to kiss. It is so cute, he puts his hands on my checks and gives me a big wet kiss. He also learned how to blow kisses. He kisses his hand, blows on it, and then waves!

We were listening to music tonight after dinner and the boys were dancing. Layne was on the floor "break dancing" and the boys were copying everything they did. Quite funny!!

I have been using the wii fit almost everyday. I have unlocked all but about 5 of the games. Tim and I go back and forth with the high score in yoga (I didn't know he liked yoga, but he says the same thing I do, it feels good to stretch) but I kick butt on all the aerobics stuff. I Unlocked super hula hoops and can do 815 turns in 3 minutes!!

Layne went back to school today after the LONG Christmas break. He didn't really want to go this morning. I think I let him watch to many cartoons in his pj's. Despite his reluctance he said he had a good day and was glad to see his friends again.

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