Thursday, June 11, 2009

Well I have a HUGE garden. It all started in late May when we got a letter from the city tell us that we had to clean out the weeds behind our garage or they would do it and charge us a huge fee. So I mentioned this to mom and Joe and they offered to come over and help me. There was more than just weeds growing back there, we had all kinds of little elm trees growing. So we spent a few hours digging them all out and when we were done I mention that maybe next year I could have a garden back there. Well Joe though I didn't have to wait until next year. So he came over and tilled it and last night Joe and mom came over and planted. I have corn, cabbage, purple beans, 2 kinds of tomatoes, 2 kinds of beets, yellow peppers, green peppers, cucumbers and buttercup squash. I now have to figure out how to make it all grow!

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