Monday, March 23, 2009

Scott and Debbie took us to Red Lobster for dinner tonight to celebrate Tim's birthday and to send Kara off to her last rotation. The twins took a nap today so they were in a very good mood. Debbie ordered them chocolate milk. They had never had chocolate milk before and Logan just loved it. He made everybody take drink of it. Layne was an adventurous eater tonight. He ordered popcorn shrimp for himself, then tried some of Kara's tilapia, Debbie's lobster, and my shrimp scampi. He must be going through a growth spurt, because he ate everything on his plate, a bit or two or everyone else's and still wanted a snack when we got home.

Tim and I were sitting in the living room watching TV. We could hear the twins up stairs playing and then Brenden started singing "Praise Ye the Lord". We muted the TV and listened to him sing for quite a while. At one point Logan was singing "alleluia" too. I wish I could have gotten that on tape!!

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